Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The little things are the big things.

One more on obedience:

It's really the little things. There are many little things I hear during the day that I must not ignore. No. I don't hear voices. But I do get the "impression" of instructions. Full sentences. Directions. Instructions.

Last weekend, I got the impression that I should mention to someone that he seemed tired and less than himself. He responded that I was right. I told him that I would pray for him. I think the Holy Spirit wanted him to know that HE cared for my friend.

Here are some I've heard lately:

Pray for that person.
Call her.
Contact him.
You should think about giving ... to ...
Contact (this person from my past professional contacts) and tell her you are thinking of her.
Write out a prayer for him. Send it.
Pray this way for your son.
Ask forgiveness.
Let it go.
Don't say it. (I need to heed this one more often)
Turn it off.
Work on this (project)
Do this project (a completely new idea I hadn't considered)
Write the opening like this (happened during a bike ride this weekend).

These are the whispers of the Holy Spirit in my life. They are personal. They are specific. They are time sensitive. Often, if I delay, the effect is negated. You could say that I'm schizophrenic (one who hears voices), but I don't think I qualify.

I think these things are common with Believers who listen. Ironically, you learn to recognize God's voice by beginning to obey. Just one at first. Then judge. Was it the Holy Spirit? What were the results? Was Jesus glorified? Was someone cared for? Was someone touched?

Then, the next time you hear that same voice you will recognize it more easily. Perhaps more quickly. It will start to feel familiar to you, perhaps as familiar as best friend's voice when she calls on the phone.

It happens. Listen. Obey. Judge. And listen again.

"My sheep know my voice."
Do you know your shepherd's voice?

Tell me a story about listening where it made a real difference!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Thank you for the inspiration to be a blessing to others in the name of Jesus by listening to His Spirit and acting on what He is telling us. :-)